As teppanyaki cuisine becoming new trend, there are more homeowner that wishes to set up a indoor teppanyaki grill for home.
Here are some tips as to where to start:
1. How many people to cook for.
2. The size of the cooking surface required.
3. Mount-in or floor type.
4. Include or exclude downdraft system.
Why do we need to know how many people to cook for?
Although we see it as a home teppan grill because the setting is at home, we do encounter customer that wishes to serve 20 guests at once. If that is the case, with the single phase electricity, the heating time will starve your guest.
Why do we need to know the size of the teppan?
This also relay to the first question. With larger crew, we will recommend a bigger teppan unit to make sure the cooking surface is big enough.
Mount-in or floor type
It is important for us to work with your home designer to see how we can integrate our teppan grill with your cabinet. For mount-in type, we will provide the dimension required to place the teppan into the kitchen cabinet counter. Floor type will be much easier as it will come with the cabinet for storage.
Include downdraft system
For floor type unit, we also offer basic and all equipped downdraft system. With basic model, air duct connection and external motor fan will be required. With all equipped model, it will come as a plug-n-cook type unit, including grease filter system, exhaust motor and odor reducer.
Cooking with foods like beef, fish, chicken prawns and lobster on teppan are fabulous and healthy. With only little seasoning as you prefer to get original taste of the food. In FANCY FOOD, you can find the best hibachi tables for home use.